TEM Nursery

Where the seeds of innovation and sustainability are sown.

Explore TEM Nursery and witness the future of agriculture taking root. With a commitment to innovation, sustainability, and nurturing tomorrow's green revolution, we're cultivating a brighter, greener tomorrow.


We expertise in Fruit crops like Guava, Pomegranate, Litchi, Water Melon & Forest Plants like Saal, Teak, Mahul, Harida, Behada, Neem, Bael, Karanjia, Tamarind, Amla & Kusum. With use of technologies like Grafting, Air-layering & Tissue culture, we develop high yield varieties of seedlings.

Selection and Evaluation

We begin by carefully selecting plant specimens with desirable traits from various sources. These traits may include high yield potential, exceptional taste, unique appearance, and adaptability to specific growing conditions.

Genetic Purity

Maintaining genetic purity is paramount. Our nursery employs stringent protocols to prevent cross-pollination and contamination, ensuring that the mother plants retain their unique attributes without compromise.

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation

Harvest Innovation